Pretty C2s with the ability to sort the columns as derived from MrTrivel's Pretty C2 Tables
Boushley's Trimps save editor useful for testing new patches! For other uses, shame on you!
Bhad's Fluffy Calculator useful for determining how long it'll take for Fluffy to level! Also includes the Daily Calculator to see upcoming daily challenges.
Grimy's Perky and zFarm useful for optimizing your perks and farming zones.
Swaq's Personal Spire optimizer useful for maximizing your towers, spire stones and runestones.
Nohmou's GatorCalc useful for Fueling and Amalgamator optimization.
Bionic Wonderland calculator, formally in the Fluffy Calculator but remove due to inaccuracies. May help for directionally telling how long it will take to clear that BW.
Optimal U2 Shields
from Andrew on Trimps discord channel
All optimal shields have
Trimp Attack and
Crit Damage. The other 4 mods vary
Starter Buble shield -
Crit Chance/Gamma Burst/Trimp Health/VMDC
Later Buble/Melt shield -
Crit Chance/Trimp Health/Prismatic Shield/VMDC
Duel shield -
Gamma Burst/Trimp Health/Prismatic Shield/Plaguebringer
Shielded achieves shield -
Crit Chance/Gamma Burst/Trimp Health/Prismatic Shield
Push Shield -
Crit Chance/Trimp Health/Plaguebringer/Prismatic Shield
U1 trapper/Trappapalooza -
Crit Chance/Gamma Burst/Trimp Health/Plaguebringer
U1 c2/Daily Shield -
Crit Chance/Gamma Burst/Plaguebringer/VMDC